The Barangay Information Officers (BIOs) across Cagayan de Oro City drew together in late May to create a network to be part of the CDO COVID-19 Response.
The Risk Communications Cluster of the city-wide operations initiated the formation of the network to gather stories straight from the barangays that could be helpful in curbing the spread of the Novel Coronavirus and in adapting to the “New Normal.”
The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) Resolution No. 40 defines the “New Normal” as the “emerging behaviors, situations, and minimum public health standards that will be institutionalized in common or routine practices and remain even after the pandemic while the disease is not totally eradicated through means such as widespread immunization...”
Based on the same IATF resolution, CDO is placed under Modified General Community Quarantine beginning June 1, 2020. Modified General Community Quarantine is the transition phase between
GCQ and New Normal when the following temporary measures are relaxed and become less necessary: (1) limiting movement and transportation, (2) the regulation of operating industries, and (3) the presence of uniformed personnel to enforce community quarantine protocols.
The BIOs have started sharing updates of their barangay’s distribution of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) cash subsidies, latest development projects, community issues, COVID-19 protocols initiated on the ground, and inspiring narratives.
The Risk Comm Cluster created a simplified online form to gather stories from the BIOs and a text blast directory for the dissemination of information straight from the City Hall.
The Barangay Information Officers Network currently has over 60 members.
(All photos by Mark Rodriguez)